Diversity in Aquatics Series - A Canadian Connection - Water Safety Month Edition - 2020

November 8, 2020
Kurt Cordice
J.E.D.I. Aquatics Series

In this special episode of Diversity in Aquatics during Water Safety Month NZ, I have a wonderful and thought-provoking conversation with Shauna JacksonCrabb, Program Advisor for Aquatics for YMCA in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We compare the Canadian and New Zealand perspectives on a range of topics, from COVID-19 to engagement with indigenous communities.

In this special episode of Diversity in Aquatics during Water Safety Month NZ, I have a wonderful and thought-provoking conversation with Shauna JacksonCrabb, Program Advisor for Aquatics for YMCA in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Shauna is an experienced aquatics professional and program manager, and offers her insight on the topic of diversity in aquatics from a Canadian perspective.  

Having the unique perspective of watching from the outside as Canada has grown over the past 25 years or so, the development of diversity and inclusion has been striking.  Canada still has a long way to go and much that needs to be addressed. However, I do have some pride in how far Canada has come, I often think of the Canadian model as one that New Zealand may look to in terms of diversity and inclusion.

Our discussion includes (use links to jump to a specific conversation of interest):

·      Working though COVID in Canada and New Zealand

·      CPR and Drowning Prevention in the Era of COVID-19

·      CPR and lifeguarding for swim instructors?

·      Engaging with indigenous communities

·      Increasing diversity and inclusion in aquatics

Shouts outs and references:

Starfish Aquatics Institute

Starguard Elite

Survival 2020 – Red Cross of Canada

CPR and Drowning Prevention in the Era of COVID-19, talk by Justin Sempsrott, Survival 2020

Fostering Partnerships with Indigenous Communities though Meaningful Engagement, talk by Lesley-AnneMorley, Survival 2020

We also briefly discuss Olympic swimmer Simone Manuel

Visit the Global Swim Blog to view more of the Diversity in Aquatics series! All Enigmatic Global blogs are intended to be a forum for open discussion. Please visit our main blog page for our publication policy.